Stepping right out of a fantasy realm of 1950s domestic discipline, the golden age of spanking—I come to bring you in line and order your behaviour.
A glamorous but stern world… of secret nurturing female authority.
I am a different kind of Domestic Goddess.
Our rapport will be an organic interplay of our respective personalities. I ask, and discuss freely—your needs, your spanking & fetish background, your femdom expectations.
Only the most loyal and devoted of submissives will be chosen to be part of my inner circle and trained into a higher grade of servant. I call them serfs.
The selection starts with a program of training, daily entertainment and interaction on my fan page. Here, you can peek inside my adventurous world and, if good, be part of it. I warmly welcome you there:
You'll be visually spoiled, but...prepare to abdicate your sovereignty and accept leadership.
You will access a territory of Female Domination, to be exposed, probed and assessed.
Then corrected.
If you fail, then punished.
If you do well, then rewarded.
To live vicariously and peek into my personal connections with submissive men and women, I have created spanking erotica. I prefer to shoot with my real subs and serfs, and create authentic moments of D/s intimacy.


I like to create worlds. Worlds of refuge, dream and regression. A space with the aesthetic of your childhood or perhaps Mad Men overtones; where you can steal a gaze at the lady's fully fashioned stockings while she's not looking. Where you feel coddled and cared for; as long as you obey her rules and structures. She is sensual and elegant.. in her figure hugging vintage dress and high heels clacking on the corridor.. but the rule of the house is still obedience and naughty boys get in trouble when they don't write their lines properly.
Service always starts at My feet. Kissing My hand and feet is the symbolic act that seals our rapport: you below—head down, and your Goddess towering over you—radiant.
I enjoy and seek the company of submissive men and women. It is yin and yang: you need Me, as much as I need a perfect serf.